color palette creator

Can a Color Palette Creator Help Me? A Look at Color911

If you’re a casual or frequent reader of my blog, you’ll know that I often mention Color911, the color app I’ve been developing for several years to share with the world! I’ve been asked by friends, family, and clients, “Amy, why did you want to create a color app/color palette creator? Wasn’t that a big endeavor? What was your motivation (aren’t you busy enough?!) Did you know anything about technology?” I’d like to address these questions and explain why I believe strongly in the color app and how I think many people that consider themselves content with the same color choices are simply not being guided correctly to understand their tastes; we can all be inspired and excited by color, it’s not just for artists and designers!

Why I Chose to Make a Color Palette Creator

Everyone knows the satisfaction of challenging ourselves, and sometimes that challenge seems overwhelming. I have been driven to help people improve their lives through the use of color, and creating the app was a way to make that happen. I knew it would be tough, and I knew it would take years to develop fully, but I also had the ambition to share my color experience with the world and create an accessible avenue for people to discover their color creativity.

Whether I’m working with a client in a commercial or residential space or making a color palette creator interface, my end goal is the same, to have people from all walks of life find joy and inspiration through color and color arrangements. The color palette creator app is simply another tool I can use to spread this message and color philosophy worldwide!  

color palette creator app

Not everyone can call on a color expert/color specialist for their design needs, so I wanted to create an application accessible to everyone looking for color help; that’s why I took the time, effort, and expense to create Color911. 

How Can Color911/A Color Palette Creator Help You?

As I said before, many people who don’t consider themselves to have a designer or artistic eye can use a color palette creator app like Color911 to understand that they CAN be inspired by the color selections they make! Yes, many Color911 users are interior/exterior designers, artists, fashion designers, and others in various visual fields. But others who don’t come from those design-focused backgrounds use the app too. Those are probably the ones I hear from most often because they are surprised at how helpful it is to them. 

For example, I’ve had a web page developer and even realtors reach out to me and say how the app has helped them discover/arrange color palettes in their work, which they never anticipated needing. The web developer had a beautiful user interface and experience to share, but the colors just seemed off. After working with Color911 and browsing the curated color themes and palettes, they settled on an arrangement their client loved! The realtor was stuck on how to stage a home without tapping into the same re-used staging services, so they created their palette from scratch, using photos from a hike they had taken – they immediately found the inspiration to stage the home in a way that differentiated it from the same run-of-the-mill presentations. 

Sharing Color With The World

Now, don’t think I’m trying to guilt anyone into trying the Color911 app, that’s really not my motivation here, and it never was from the start. I simply want to show those that doubt themselves that they have color inspiration within. They can inspire the hidden designer inside, which they didn’t know they had; it just takes a little guidance and the right tools to bring it out and share it with the world. 

I’ve recently interviewed with Dendra Doors, a wonderful company out of Eugene, Oregon, which designs, builds, and installs high-quality custom doors for IKEA kitchen cabinet systems. During the interview, I talk about the Color911 app and how it helps communicate color and educates users on what colors work with one another. You’ll see some footage of the app in action; check it out below!

So, remember, don’t let life be colorless; it can be so much more fun when you’re inspired to try something new!

-Amy Wax

10 thoughts on “Can a Color Palette Creator Help Me? A Look at Color911

  1. Leslie Carothers

    Hi Amy – As you know, I’ve been a long time fan of your Color 911 app and I’m so glad it’s now available for both IOS and Android. It’s been a lot of fun to play with and it’s great for seeing different possibilities with color – thank you for creating it!

    1. Amy Wax

      Sincerest thanks Leslie, I am happy to finally seeing both ios and android users finding it to be inspiring, helpful for their business and a whole lot of fun to use! Thanks so much for your enthusiastic comment!

  2. Oh I can’t wait to get this Color 911 app – this sounds really fun and helpful!!

    1. Amy Wax

      Yes it absolutely is, and I look forward to you digging in and finding out how helpful it can be for everyone who is at all creative!

  3. I’m sure this was such a labor of love for you Amy! Fun to hear the different industries taking advantage of your app!

    1. Amy Wax

      Yes Linda,many more people are taking advantage of it and enjoying it more than I imagined would be doing so, and I’m so glad to see that happening!

  4. So great to hear the history of how you created this, Amy, and such an excellent tool with so many applications! Brava!

    1. Amy Wax

      Thanks Janet, yes I am so glad to see people enjoying the app and finding it both useful and inspiring!

  5. Your passion for sharing your knowledge of color is admirable. And I love how many different people have used your app.

    1. Amy Wax

      Thank you Lisa, helping people improve their lives through the use of color has been so rewarding for me and I love seeing people help themselves by using the Color911 app!

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