The Importance of Color in Interior Design: 3 Rules to Toss Out

importance of color in interior design

As you consider redesigning your home, buying your home, or getting ready to sell, one vital thing to remember when trying to best utilize the space is the importance of color in interior design. Often times, styles we are most comfortable with — a piece of furniture, a piece of art, etc. might come to mind when considering how to design a room. And the same can go with colors as well. But the colors that all of those objects inhabit is what ultimately pulls all of those objects together.

While many folks are influenced by certain design “rules” — do’s and dont’s that someone who has never seen your room wrote somewhere — it’s worth remembering which rules you can likely let go. Remember: your space is your own! You don’t need to follow any of these ideas when considering the importance of color in interior design.

Dark Walls Make a Room Feel Small

Not only is this not true, but in certain environments, the exact opposite can be true with interior colors — a dark wall can highlight a lighter, brighter trim and bring other brighter components of the room “to light,” in essence making it feel larger. By darkening your walls, you can make a room more interesting and complex, complementing decorate elements to create a room that feels just the right size.

Neutrals Colors Are Boring

Ever hear the phrase, “If you’re bored then you’re boring?” Same applies here! Neutrals such as gray, white, taupe and beige can be the canvas on which your interior design can come to life.

Use a neutral color as a backdrop for a color palette that offers a creative pop. Add in exciting colors, textures, lighting and other creative elements to make your room an exciting place to do whatever you please.

Need help balancing neutrals with colors?

A professional interior paint consultant (like me!) can help you pair neutrals with colors.

Social Media is a Great Design Guide

Caution is heavily advised here. Of course it’s hard to escape the “Instagrammable” pictures or something your friend Pinned on Pinterest. But what can be easy to forget when you’re admiring the bold and dynamic backdrops is that these photos were created exactly for that reason — to make an impact on social media. People are likely not living there, as you are in your rooms every day. So unless you truly wish you were in the room, I would not recommend using social media as a guide.

While these are a few rules on what not to do when it comes to the importance of color in interior design, remember that what you actually can do can be just as complex! If you’re having a hard time imagining your space or want to find someone who has used colors to create real rooms in real life — not on Instagram — and in a variety of colors, always consider partnering with a color expert to help make your vision come to life.