Summer Colors to Inspire and Ease Your Mind

We wait for it all year, and it seems like all of a sudden, we are halfway through July! Has it hit you yet? That feeling that we are in the full swing of summer? That moment when you’re walking down the beach, picking out the perfect spot, and setting up your umbrella in anticipation of cracking open your summer reading. That moment when you walk into the backyard and can smell the trees, fresh-cut grass, and the neighbor’s charcoal grill. That moment when you watch the sun set an incendiary, brilliant orange, and not soon after, the fireflies begin to twinkle the night away. Have you had any of those moments yet? A moment when you smile in reverence and appreciation of the summer splendor around you? I hope the answer is a resounding yes. 

I’m in love with summer and all the beauty and sensations it brings us. But, I’m under no false impression that some people have difficulty slowing down and absorbing the blissful summer moments as they happen. 

I understand it can be hard to appreciate summer with a busy work schedule, especially in a climate-controlled environment all day! It’s so important for us to seize the beautiful seasonal moments when we have them because they’re always fleeting. 

summer colors

In this article, I will talk about some of my favorite summer colors that can help you get in touch with the summer spirit and bring some inspiration to your home life!

Summer Colors to Inspire 

The richer, deeper, cozier earth tones of fall and winter do not fit in with summer colors that inspire energy, excitement, and fun. When I picture inspiring summer colors, I think of gentle, playful, and sometimes bright colors that are nostalgic and fresh simultaneously. Here are some examples of inspiring/energetic summer color arrangements. 

  • White and playful colors

I adore the look of any fun summer color juxtaposed with a soft white. A lemon yellow, a key lime green, a soft turquoise blue, or even coral pink contrasted with a soft cotton white is such a splendid summer design/feel. The contrasts are defined yet easy on the eyes, and it has such a carefree presence. I especially enjoy the contrast of the white linens against colorful chairs or natural flower arrangements.

When it comes to memories of this time of year, the colors of summer are also tied into the colorful memories of the food we enjoy during the summer months with friends! Picture a “push-up” ice cream pop you had when you were a kid, the pinwheel effect of white vanilla spiraling with a colorful flavor, or the brilliant watermelon red! Every one of those images is all about summer parties and tasty treats! It’s all a part of enjoying summer to the fullest and letting your colors be a part of the experience! 

summer colors

  • Inviting color to dine with

What’s better than eating with friends outside in the summer? An outdoor luncheon, cocktail hour, or evening barbecue are excellent opportunities to quickly add some summer colors to an otherwise typical table arrangement – outdoor table cloths that are anything from whispery soft blush and pinks to breezy deep blues against a white painted wooden table, or even unfinished wooden surface. I also love the contrast of summer colors against a rustic wooden surface. 

Colorful stemware, complete with imperfections and bubbles in the glass, adds a beautifully handcrafted touch to the facade. Don’t bring out the fine delicate china, source some heavy ceramic plates, serving dishes, and even a vase that lets you feel the handmade craftsmanship when you pick it up!

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Summer Colors to Ease Your Mind

As there are summer colors that inspire energy and fun, there are also color arrangements that help put the mind at ease; colors to help you reach a zen, meditative state – much like a sunset would. 

  • Color of summer’s dusk

As a color specialist, I love the colors that cascade across the sky during sunset and dusk throughout the year, but summer offers something extra special. The most vibrant reds, oranges, yellows, blues, greens, and purples dance across the sky in a short time, never ceasing to capture the imagination and put us into a state of ease and peace. 

An arrangement I particularly love is a pairing a twilight-purple and deep cosmic-blue, dotted with highlights of faint green, yellow, and orange. This arrangement is meant to emulate an evening sky summer and can easily be brought into the home. The bedroom is an excellent place to emulate this palette. Picture a deep purple bedspread with deep blue pillows and some temporary warm yellow string lights strung across the headboard or in jars on the window. Simply magical and quite easy to curate!

Create Your Inspiration! 

If you’re looking to arrange unique, beautiful, and stunning color palettes, the Color911 app is a simple tool to do so! The app has many palettes curated by me in its portfolio, or you can create your own with the snap of your camera; it’s amazing! If you’re a design or color enthusiast, this app is for you! 

So what are your favorite summer colors? Please share your favorite summer memories with me and tell us how you bring summer colors into your home! 

summer colors

7 thoughts on “Summer Colors to Inspire and Ease Your Mind

  1. Leslie Carothers

    I love these images, Amy, and also love how your Color 911 app allows everyone to create and share their own favorite summer color palettes.

    Thanks for an inspiring read to start off this summer Saturday!

    1. Amy Wax

      Thanks so much Leslie, I am eager to help people find the colors that make them happy, whether they find the colors on their own or by using the Color911 app!

  2. The tablescapes are lovely. What a beautiful post and inspiring images. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Amy Wax

      Thanks Sharon, I am especially pleased that you found this weeks post so inspiring!

  3. Amy Wax

    Thanks so much Tiffany, I spend a lot of time selecting images that tell the whole story!

  4. Ah, my favorite season! Perfect images, and such gorgeous and inspiring word pictures too!

    1. Amy Wax

      Thanks so much Janet, I’m so glad you enjoyed this weeks blog post!

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