summer solstice celebration

Summer Solstice Celebration: Cherishing the Colors of Midsummer!

For American traditions and holidays, when we think of celebrating summer, we usually think of Memorial Day, The 4th of July, fireworks, barbecues, beaches, and baseball games. Of course, these are special holidays and hallmarks of an American summer. But, there’s another summer holiday celebrated internationally and has gained popularity stateside in recent years; I’m talking about summer solstice celebrations, which start in mid-June!

Midsummer: What is A Summer Solstice Celebration? 

Sometimes referred to as Midsummer, the summer solstice could be considered the “high noon” of the calendar year. It marks the middle of the calendar year, the beginning of the calendar summer for the northern hemisphere when one of the earth’s poles is tilted the closest towards the sun. It’s also the day when we get to celebrate the sun reaching the highest position in the sky all year long. It’s truly a celebration of the day, the longest amount of daylight we can behold. 

summer solstice celebration

In the Baltic States and some areas of Northern Europe, the length of daylight during the summer solstice can reach 24hrs! Sweden is a country that celebrates Midsummer enthusiastically, whereas much of the country shuts down and observes the holiday. 

For centuries, the Midsummer holiday has been celebrated in Sweden with festivals, dining rituals, and maybe most iconically famous dancing around a flower-covered maypole. Across many cultures, not just in Sweden, the holiday is associated with fertility, a celebration of love, and an appreciation of the earth and all the bounty it provides. 

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Summer Solstice Celebration: Bringing Midsummer Stateside! 

More and more Americans are enjoying summer solstice celebrations by throwing their own Midsummer parties. As a color specialist, I wanted to share some design ideas for summer solstice celebrations and Midsummer color palettes to use while enjoying the longest day of the year!

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The Colors of a Summer Solstice Celebration

Midsummer celebrations are about celebrating the sun, nature, and the fruitful bounties the world around us provides in its purest form. So, the colors that work best for a summer solstice celebration are, of course, inspired by nature and the earthly elements! 

  • Earthy Greens to Celebrate Nature

Oak trees and mistletoe have long been sacred parts of Midsummer celebrations, honoring the natural world around us. Using deep rich greens and some almost “pollen-like” greenish-yellows in your arrangements will give your summer solstice celebration an authentic feel. A rustic picnic table draped with a deep green tablecloth, white plates, and yellow accents will inspire Midsummer beauty for all your guests! 

  • Bright Floral Arrangements

Midsummer and all its celebrations employ lots of floral arrangements that are bright, cheery, and unmistakably summer. There is a Midsummer custom to weave flowers into crowns and small wreaths; this is fun but also time-consuming. If you don’t have time to construct bright flower crowns, consider adorning your outside patio and picnic tables with vases lush with summer arrangements.

A Midsummer floral arrangement in Scandinavia usually consists of the following flowers: Amaranths, Calico Asters, Dahlias, Purple Coneflower, and White Fall Asters. It’s a very bright arraignment, with earthy whites, pinks, oranges, and yellows. 

  • Embrace the Daylight with Yellows and Golds

A summer solstice celebration is all about embracing the sun and the power it shines upon us. Naturally, colors representing the sun like yellows, oranges, and golds are a staple in a Midsummer celebration. Wherever you host your Midsummer celebration, make sure that glowing golds and yellow are in focus. Dress your patio with yellow, gold, and white candles, and even employ some soft gold hanging lanterns for when the fun finally sets!

summer solstice celebration

Honey is a significant component of the Midsummer celebration, and even the Midsummer full moon is referred to as the “Honey Moon.” Bees are in their height of activity at the time of the summer solstice, so bees and honey are often used to symbolize the holiday. Honey has such a striking and beautiful hue to it, especially when shining in the sunlight; embrace these earthy colors with amber-colored stemware, glasses, and plates!  You could serve buttermilk biscuits with glass honey jars on each table before your main course! 

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How Do You Celebrate the Summer Solstice?

How will you celebrate this upcoming summer solstice? With a Midsummer garden party? Or a long day at the beach!? Please share with me your favorite summer solstice colors and design ideas. As a color expert, I’d love to hear your thoughts!

18 thoughts on “Summer Solstice Celebration: Cherishing the Colors of Midsummer!

  1. I spend the solstice outside! Windows in my car down. Lots of time with family. A San Pellegrino on the porch 🙂

    1. Amy Wax

      I love reading about your celebration of the Summer Solstice Heather! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  2. Gorgeous colors and terrific information. It’s not wonder why summer is the favorite season of so many of us!

    1. Amy Wax

      Yes it is certainly a season we can all enjoy, I’m so glad you enjoyed this weeks post Anne!

    1. Amy Wax

      Thanks so much Linda!

  3. Love the beautiful color combination of the wildflowers and so interesting to learn about honey. I had never heard of the Honey Moon. Wonder if that is where honeymoon comes from:)

    1. Amy Wax

      I am so glad you enjoyed this weeks color inspiration Mary Anne! I did a little research and the word Honeymoon comes from a Scandinavian tradition where newlyweds drink honey during the first month after their wedding to increase the chances of inception, who knew?!

  4. Suzanne M Rugg

    I did not know this was a thing! Beautiful colors and interesting topic!

    1. Amy Wax

      Thanks so much Suzanne, I love exploring new sources of color inspiration!

  5. Fascinating history, Amy! I vote for making this an official holiday!! I LOVE the color palette and love the idea of highlighting honey…totally stealing that to serve lavender biscuits with honey and putting an official yellow and green midsummer party on the calendar!

    1. Amy Wax

      I love these ideas too Janet, I’m always looking for unique color inspiration, and this one was so rewarding!

  6. The solstice is a great thing to celebrate! I love your summer color palettes!

    1. Amy Wax

      Thanks so much Lisa, I’m glad you enjoyed the color inspiration of this post!

  7. Leslie Carothers

    I loved the inspiring images that tell the story of what you are communicating through words, Amy – beautiful!

    1. Amy Wax

      Leslie I am so glad to hear how much you enjoyed this post, the colors makes the summer solstice have such a story to tell!

  8. What a great idea for a blog, Amy. I love the summer solstice. June 21st is one of my favourite days as we get the most sunlight. Where I live, during the summer, it is still daylight well past 10 pm (right now I am commenting from my deck and it’s 10:22 pm and we still have daylight).

    Yellow is my happy colour so I am totally drawn to all of the colour palettes you pulled together!

    1. Amy Wax

      Thank you for sharing how the lighting is different at your home Sheri; I also love that you relate to the colors I features in this post!

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