Thanksgiving Table Decor: A Fresh Approach to Your Design!

Thanksgiving is almost here; for many, it’s the coziest and most comforting holiday of the year. I love Thanksgiving because I enjoy hosting, decorating, cooking, and being with those I care most about on a day with a carefree schedule. What’s really special about Thanksgiving is that each family or group of friends are free to celebrate it however they please. A holiday with no rules! 

While there are traditional ways of going about Thanksgiving, no doctrine says you must prepare side dishes a certain way, use certain color palettes, or reuse the same decor each year. Everyone is free to embrace their own tastes but simultaneously join in the national sentiment of thanks and appreciation. 

If you’re open to changing things up a bit this year, let’s entertain some unique thoughts about Thanksgiving table decor and color ideas. My goal is to help you achieve the Thanksgiving gathering you can look back upon and be proud of! 

thanksgiving table decor

Thanksgiving Table Decor and Colors – Traditional Doesn’t Mean Boring

I know that some of my readers are thinking, “Ugh, I couldn’t stand to do another traditionalist Thanksgiving table presentation; I’ve had enough cornucopias to last a lifetime!” I get it; sometimes nostalgia and tradition can be repetitive, but it doesn’t need to be! I don’t mind reusing similar traditional fall or Thanksgiving colors because, after all, the familiarity is what makes it a tradition! 

If you enjoy the cozy, traditional Thanksgiving table decor and colors but want to mix things up just a little this year, try rearranging the color layouts and inverting the expected palettes! What do I mean by this? Most people think of a traditionalist Thanksgiving presentation with a light/neutral color base tablecloth, harvest and rustic colors layered on top as table decor, and then the expected swath of delicate fine dinnerware and glasses. That’s fine, but I like to think we can do so much better! Read on for inspiration and a new approach to this age-old holiday! 

  • Flip the traditional upside-down

Instead of a white/neutral or even plaid tablecloth, try a rust/auburn/dusty orange one—layer in deep royal blue dinnerware with vintage colorful glassware adorning the table. Finally, cap it off with an assortment of tealight and floating candles scattered throughout the decor, a  departure from the white taper candles we all expect. 

thanksgiving table decor

Get Some Cozy Kitchen Design Ideas for the Holidays!

Thanksgiving Table Decor and Colors – Going Completely Alternative

Like I said at the beginning, Thanksgiving has no rules except to care for and appreciate those sharing the holiday with you. If you’re thinking of going completely fresh, alternative, and non-traditional (even tossing out the turkey!) I’ve got some suggestions that will make your Thanksgiving one to remember! 

  • Monochromatic gathering

It’s funny how dramatic the “undramatic” can be. Traditional Thanksgiving table decor and colors often involve lots of layering texture/color variations, so a monochromic table arrangement is the complete opposite. A monochromatic or “color-drenched” table at Thanksgiving can be refreshingly minimalist to those looking for alternatives. It’s visually impactful to see a dining table in monochrome, and I especially like the look when it’s derived from a natural wood color such as stained cedar or oak. 

Rather than covering up your wood table, show it off! Coordinate it with wood candle holders and plants as decorative elements. Nature becomes your theme, and using wood is just one way of adding a monochromatic look to your table decor, but the same applies if you choose a color you love. Imagine decorating using an elegant hunter green, a rich bronze color, or even all whites, including the flowers! It can be a bit of work to get the monochromatic look down pat, but it’s breathtaking and elegant when done. 

  • Simplistic and serene – Wheats and Blues 

For those who don’t wish to stray too far into the alternative realm for Thanksgiving, I strongly suggest trying the color combination of beige wheat and teal blues. These colors sit across each other on the color spectrum, and I can only describe the pairing as “gentle energy.” The beige wheats are undoubtedly harvest-like, and the teal blues are simultaneously oceanic/sky-focused. An elemental charm and calmness come with layering in wheat colors and blues onto the Thanksgiving table. Not only that, it’s different from the traditional harvest color palettes that dominate Thanksgiving. 

  • Minimalist and metallic

While not yet New Year’s Eve, Thanksgiving provides an opportunity to bring out the sterling, shimmering, and hypnotizing sheens of gold and silver. Picture an exposed wood dining table with a tremendous silver vase centerpiece, complete with purple, orange, and yellow autumnal wildflowers on full display. Sparkling crystal stemware sits beside sterling silver cutlery. All serving platters on the table are silver, and the dishware is clean, ceramic, and creamy white. Minimalist and formal with a splash of color can walk hand in hand with this type of bold arrangement. 

Don’t Concern Yourself with What’s Expected

Thanksgiving is an opportunity to have a carefree, loving day with those that mean the most to you. Express your gratitude with an arrangement that gets you inspired! Don’t let anyone say “you’re boring for being traditional” or “weird for being alternative.” Just do you on Thanksgiving, and don’t concern yourself with what’s expected. 

Have a healthy, happy, and wonderful Thanksgiving! 

thanksgiving table decor

6 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Table Decor: A Fresh Approach to Your Design!

  1. Leslie Carothers

    Hi Amy – thanks for all of these great ideas for how to use color and metallics for our Thanskgiving tables and I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    1. Amy Wax

      Your welcome Leslie, I am so glad you were inspired by this weeks post, wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday too!

  2. Love all this different ways to decorate a table for Thanksgiving! Thank you for sharing Amy. Beautiful posts and excellent tips!

    1. Amy Wax

      Always happy to share inspiration, so glad you enjoyed this weeks blog post Deborah!

  3. Ahhhh you are speaking my language! 🙂 I love to experiment with table settings and these are all great ideas to spark inspiration! Happy Thanksgiving to you!

    1. Amy Wax

      Thanks so much Janet, I really looked for unique new ideas for this post, I’m so glad you’re inspired!

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