Warm Bedroom Colors: Comforting Colors on Cold Nights!

It’s been a long day, you come home to your nightly routine, and the whole time you’re thinking about how great it will be to get into bed and unwind. Maybe you didn’t sleep well the night prior, or it’s been a grueling day. For whatever reason, you’ve been happily anticipating retreating into your private space for some well-deserved quiet time! However, once the moment finally arrives, you find that the room just feels cold. The heat is on, the comforter is warm, but your bedroom isn’t giving you that warm glow you were looking forward to; you cannot shake off the cold of the winter day! Your senses tell you that your bedroom colors lack the warmth you’ve been waiting for!  

One of the many reasons I love working with color is because there’s so much more to the colors around us than visual splendor. Colors affect our conscious and unconscious psychology in many ways, and choosing the right or wrong color will set us up for emotional responses. The responses solicited by color choices may be intentional or unintentional. 

Surrounding yourself with the colors you need can be life-changing when it’s done well!

warm bedroom colors

It’s the job of a color expert, interior designer, and paint color expert to make color selections that elicit positive responses in areas of the home the specialist chose for them. In this blog, we will be discussing what color choices can help warm up the bedroom space to make it a cozier, more enjoyable place, especially during the long winter months!

Warm Bedroom Colors – New Color Palettes 

If your bedroom currently has a color scheme that leans more towards a neutral/cooler presentation, and you’d like some fresh paint on the walls to change that, there are some great options for warm bedroom colors. I caution my clients who tell me that bedrooms are best suited to neutral color hues, grays, greiges, or bright whites. The bedroom is a place to relax, unwind, decompress and rest; what you need here is colors that will help you accomplish this. Exciting colors could be distracting rather than soothing, so it’s best to stay away from them. There’s sometimes a misconception that warm colors must be dark, deep, bold, and powerful, and this is not the case. Here are a few ideas for neutral-leaning warm colors for the bedroom.

  • Warm whites 

Softer whites work wonderfully in the bedroom; the neutrality of the color sets a perfect base to layer on top of. Creamy eggshells, vanillas, light beiges, and other shades of warm white can bring the cozy comfort factor to the bedroom without dipping too far into the warm color spectrum. This delicate color family also allows you to add accents that you can change with the season! In some of the photos, you can see that even the rooms with warm whites can feature other colors in the room! 

warm bedroom colors

  • Pink to Peach to Coppery Warmth!

A cozy color trend that you may find in some modern bedrooms these days is very light, pastel-like rose and peach tones. Whether it’s the whole bedroom or simply a comforter, a color that appears in the rug or accent pillows, this family of colors is soft, inviting, and full of warmth. All of these colors, from the feathery light hues to the earthiest copper, this color family can be reminiscent of good memories (or even glowing sunsets). Rather than the traditional cream or yellow, try this approach to add real warmth to your bedroom. 

  • Accent wall

An accent wall in a bedroom painted with warm/neutral colors can help complement the earth tones established in the space. For instance, an accent wall painted a deep green or bourbon brown will enrich the space with natural yet refined warmth that doesn’t interfere with the lighter, earth tones already in place. 

Make A Lasting First Impression With Breath-Taking Exterior Paint Colors

Warm Bedroom Colors – Easy Solutions for Cozier Nights

Suppose you’re looking for a less permanent solution than painting your bedroom, or you do greatly enjoy the cooler tones you currently have but would like to create a warmer ambiance for the colder months. In that case, there are some great color solutions you can implement within a day to get your bedroom ready for a cozy evening.  

  • Warm lighting solutions 

Without adding any materials to your bedroom, you can create a warmer tone just by changing some of your lighting choices in the room. Out of the box, some in-ceiling light bulbs can be quite cold and sterile feeling; unless a ceiling fixture is a work of art, the central light fixture can also feel less personal. I suggest lower lighting such as table lamps to create a warmer and more relaxed atmosphere. Anywhere you can add some warmth is well worth giving it a try. 

If you have in-ceiling bulbs, see if you can change the bulbs to output warmer light frequencies. Or, if that’s not an option, get yourself some floor standing or desktop lights with exposed Edison bulbs; the warm light from the filament is very comforting and looks great too. I have spoken about color-changing lights and smart home lighting solutions before, and they can be particularly effective for the bedroom. 

Accent colors to warm the heart

The immediate impact of adding accent colors to any space cannot be understated, and this is especially true of the bedroom. The wonderful thing about accent colors is that homeowners can add them with endless options of decor to choose from, and they can be changed as we move through the calendar month after month. 

Warm up the bedroom with some furniture, whether you add darker cherry wood side tables or a burgundy red reading chair. I love the warmth of golden or even vintage quartersawn oak with its warm golden undertones. Choose furniture with warm colors or wood tones as another way of adding a warm vibe into your private space. 

Throw pillows, blankets, drapes, and curtains can act as vessels for accent colors to warm up the space. Light touches of oranges, yellows, pinks, reds, and browns will dance to create a warmer ambiance when you need it most on colder nights and shorter days. 

What Colors Warm You Up At Night?

We all have our comfort colors that we associate with warm/cozy evenings; I’d love to hear what your favorites are! Please share what colors warm you up and how you best use them in the colder months of the year.

warm bedroom colors