How to Beat the Dog Days? Cool Summer Colors!

The “Dog Days” of summer are here. The hottest days of the year – known for long hazy afternoons and distracted minds. The days where the only motivations to be mustered are either to find a cooler (climate-controlled) area or lay by some large refreshing body of water. The days where the sun, humidity, or in some cases, lack of humidity can drive men and dogs into a dazed state of confusion. Yes, the Dog Days of Summer have been documented, spoken of, and written about in song and poem for millennia. Whether you’re familiar with the folktale and story around the Dog Days or not, it’s quite easy to remember when it is – it’s the time of year (July 3 to August 11th) when those that complain about the cold in the winter will feel some remorse when dragging through the high heat of the summer. 

As defined by the Farmer’s Almanac

“The term “Dog Days” traditionally refers to a period of particularly hot and humid weather occurring during the summer months of July and August in the Northern Hemisphere.”

Yes, Dog Days are the peak summer of heat, and while they are not as difficult as they were hundreds of years ago, staying cool, alert, and motivated can be challenging. 

Cool summer colors to the rescue! In this article, I will discuss how to combat the heat and brain fog accompanying the Dog Days with cool summer colors. Armed with the right cool summer color palettes and arrangements, you can give your body and mind a refreshing splash of energy. 

Cool Summer Colors to the Rescue

As a color specialist, I must briefly recap some basic color theory and science to get us in the right headspace. The warmer colors on the color wheel (color spectrum) are complimented by cooler opposing colors. Also, opposing colors create a visual balance too. For example, if a room feels too warm, with lots of oranges, reds, yellows, and beiges, it can be balanced out and juxtaposed with cooler colors, such as blues, greys, cool greens, and purples. 

Whether we consciously acknowledge colors in our environment or not, our subconscious does, and because of this, our bodies and minds react to the surrounding arrangements. I’m always talking about matching the space’s emotional intention with color, a core principle of color psychology. To beat the oppressive heat in the Dog Days of Summer, we can use cooler colors to create a “placebo effect,” tricking our minds into believing we’re in a cooler environment, making our bodies feel cooler and attention more alert. It’s quite a remarkable thing!

cool summer colors

Stay Enchanted; Learn About Soft Summer Colors

Putting Cool Summer Colors to Good Use

When trying to zone in, focus, and cool down during the Dog Days, here are some color strategies I recommend:

  • Light fabrics with cool light hues

From the garments around your shoulders and waist to the beach chairs and an umbrella you take for a sunny oceanside day, stick with lightweight, “airy” fabrics. Lighter-weight fabrics like soft cotton, chiffons, and silk yarns will ventilate well, not weigh you down, and come in a bevy of cool summer colors like turquoise, sea foam green, mint, and lilac! All of these colors work our psyche into a more relaxed, “cooler” state of mind!

cool summer colors

  • Blues and Whites

Stark, snow-like whites always present as cool, clean, and pure, so combine non-creamy whites with sky or powder blue for the ultimate blissfully refreshing surround color palette. For example, if you plan on hosting an afternoon luncheon or brunch on the patio or under the cabana/pergola, use blues and whites to give everyone a reprieve from the high heat! Try hanging some lightweight translucent outdoor curtains, dress the table with a stark white cloth, and layer on all shades of blue dishware and stemware! You’ve created a cooler environment without sacrificing the outdoors!

  • Cool down your interior spaces 

Whether in a climate-controlled home or a beach-side shack, it’s time to swap out those colder-weather throw pillows, blankets, sheets, comforters, tablecloths, and even area. It’s easy to forget that some interior adjustments can be made by simply shifting out warmer color palettes for cooler ones. Take a moment to walk around the home, take notice of every item and accent piece curated towards warmer color palettes, and make the swap for some cooler arrangements! You don’t need to pull out the paintbrushes to create a visually cooler and more focused space. 

If you need help sourcing some great cool summer color palettes, don’t forget that the Color911 color app has dozens of professionally curated color themes for you! The beauty of the color palettes is that they show you what colors look great together, and they can truly inspire you! Take control of your summer colors, staying cool during the hottest summer moments. Choose the cool colors to experience the best parts of summer, and don’t let those Dog Days slow you down!

cool summer colors